全球建筑行业正在经历快速转型, with owners and developers of both new and established buildings seeking ways to transition from old, energy wasting solutions, to green, energy efficient methods. 而ESBE的产品和技术往往隐藏在建筑物的结构中, they are at the forefront of HVAC industry modernisation, developing products and solutions that use less energy, enhance comfort, and increase the safety of the heating, cooling, and tap water systems.

While ESBE is a major European manufacturer, the opportunities now emerging in the US market offer growth potential that could not be ignored. But without local market knowledge, the ESBE team needed practical and strategic support that would provide insights and access to viable partners and networks.

ESBE has become a strategic supplier to several leading European heat pump manufacturers and our smart valves and actuators are unique in the market. The US market for heat pumps is taking off, and we wanted to explore the opportunities in this market. Jörgen Thelin, Sales Director at ESBE

To overcome these hurdles, the ESBE team engaged Business Sweden to investigate how the recently introduced and significant rebates, tax credits, and subsidies available to incentivise new technologies are shaping the current and future state of heat pump usage in the US. 采取了多方面的方法,不仅评估市场准备情况, but also fast-track sales generation.

Initial interviews with local installation technicians enabled Business Sweden to identify additional competitors’ perceived market share and brand awareness.

而最近的法规被认为是关键的市场驱动因素, 确定的障碍包括缺乏训练有素的安装人员, continued supply chain disruptions post-Covid, and a general lack of knowledge about heat pumps. However, supply chain disruptions posed a great opportunity for ESBE as US manufacturers were willing to source products globally, preferring to have multiple supplier options in different geographies to reduce risk.

In parallel, Business Sweden tested ESBE’s market positioning by arranging several meetings with heat pump manufacturers, which led to ESBE and Business Sweden travelling together to discuss product customisation with a leading domestic manufacturer.

与潜在的合作伙伴和供应商建立联系, PG电子官方免费下载商业部推荐并促进了亚特兰大AHR博览会的出席, the leading HVAC trade show in the US. ESBE received feedback on product-market fit and connected with interested stakeholders from across the industry. Through these dialogues, ESBE了解到,其定制解决方案在美国市场存在空白, 现在,该公司正在定位资源,以增加在美国的销售.


“Our focus is to provide optimal solutions for our customers, and we wanted to understand how ESBE can provide value to the US manufacturers of heat pumps. With great support from the Business Sweden team, we learned plenty during our intense US visit. 如果不去市场,这是不可能的.”



ESBE needed to understand how the US heat pump market differed from the European market, and also identify relevant OEM partners to test its product portfolio and value proposition


ESBE engaged with the US Business Sweden team to evaluate the attractiveness and competitive landscape of the heat pump market in the US, and contact manufacturers for their feedback on the market’s development and ESBE’s products


Business Sweden held interviews with key industry actors including HVAC industry associations. This strong networking led to a site visit with a leading geothermal heat pump manufacturer, plus several other leads as Business Sweden supported ESBE at the AHR Expo in Atlanta. 在提供的支持中还产生了四个合格的线索.

: Would you like to learn more about how we can help to grow your global sales in the Americas? Please contact Jessica Connelly for more information.